Abbreviations and Acronyms

The Sentinel RMS documentation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:

Abbreviation or Acronym Expansion
CID Key Computer ID Key
CPD Custom Persistence Device
CPU Info Central Processing Unit Information
Custom ID Custom Identifier
LM License Manager
LRT License Revocation Ticket
PT Permission Ticket
RMS Rights Management System
RT Revocation Ticket
SCL Sentinel Cloud Licensing

Given below are a few general software and industry specific abbreviations and acronyms used in the Sentinel RMS documentation:

Abbreviation or Acronym Expansion
API Application Programming Interface
Disk ID Disk Identifier
DST Daylight Savings Time
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GUID Global Unique Identifier
ID PROM Identification Programmable Read Only Memory
IP Internet Protocol
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
software vendor Independent Software Vendor
MDB Microsoft Database
MSVC Microsoft Visual C++
MSVS Microsoft Visual Studio
NIC Network Interface Card
SDK Software Development Kit
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
VM Virtual Machine
OS Operating System
SF Soft Float
HF Hard Float